Thursday, January 5, 2017

Our Prayer Calendar

We are so thankful for your prayers! Please remember that Seoul is 14 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.

January 11th – Praise and thankfulness for all of those who are supporting us to go as a team and represent the body of Christ and Westover, which ultimately is praise to God. Pray for the team to have safe travels and make our flight connections okay. Pray for Al and all to be able to endure the 14 hour flight from Detroit to Incheon Korea. Pray for the unity of the team, whether things go smoothly or not, and for us to exhibit a gracious spirit.

January 12th – Pray for all of our bags to arrive with us and for no issues going through Korean Customs. Pray for the team to be able to rest and recover from the roughly 21.5 hours of travel from point to point. Pray for unity of the team with those we will be serving alongside, including the Korean English teachers from Yeo-Myung School who will be our translators for the week of camp, the staff from Seoul Central Evangelical Church, Westover’s supported missionary for Northeast Asia, and other local Koreans we may interact with.
January 13th – Pray for boldness and courage for the team that we will be humble and obedient to the calling of the tasks set before us. For David H. please intercede for his time with our missionary and the meetings that have been scheduled for them. Pray that David will know God’s leading for Westover and future work in Korea with these key leaders. Pray for David as he delivers a message this morning during the staff chapel service at Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC).
January 14th – We will be visiting the Voice of the Martyrs Korea Office today. On Saturdays they have discipleship and missions training classes for refugees. Please pray for these refugees  and for those discipling them. For David P. pray for his family while he is away and for his wife, Gabrielle, as she continues her job search. Pray for God to draw the hearts of his three children, Alexandria, Stasia and Zachary toward Him as the girls return to their respective colleges and Zac to high school. Pray that our Father would place strong, authentic believers in their lives that will leave them with a desire to grow their relationship with Jesus. Pray for God’s protection, wisdom and guidance for his family, especially while he is away in Korea. Pray that the Father would use him in ways to build relationships with the students we will be working with in Korea. Pray that He would use David to break through any personal, social, psychological or emotional barriers that are burdening the students. Pray that He would allow David, if it is His will, to be a good Christian ambassador to all that we meet from the Yeo-Myung School and throughout our time in Korea. Pray that work projects at home during our absence would go well.
January 15th - Pray for good fellowship with Pastor Kang and members of Seoul Central Evangelical Church, where we will worship. Pray for Spirit-filled communication as David H. preaches the Sunday morning message. Pray for opportunities to minister to whomever God puts before us, whether it be the students, other teachers, staff from the school, staff from the church or just someone we come in contact with while we stay in Seoul. Pray for the wellness of each team member and for each of us to have an awareness of God’s plan while on this trip. Jan requests prayer for good health and stamina as we have very full days prior to camp beginning and once the teaching begins.
January 16th - Pray that as we work God will guide our hearts, minds, tongues and hands bringing glory to himself. This is our first day of teaching and meeting the students. Pray for a spirit of peace, joy, laughter and understanding as we begin to interact with the students. Al requests prayer for the unknowns of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), as he and three of the other team members have never done this. Pray that it would be a profitable experience for the students, and that they would see the love of Christ demonstrated in a practical way through the team.

January 17th - Pray for our hosts from Seoul Central Evangelical Church and the Yeo-Myung School. Pray that this will be a fun time for the students, as this is their winter break from school and they could have chosen to do something else with their time off. Beth would like to request prayer that she would "be anxious for nothing", and would trust God step-by-step, and day-by-day. Pray that she wouldn't get sick, nor any of the team members. Pray that our participation in this trip would be a witness to non-believing family members.

January 18th - Pray for the relationships we build as we serve alongside the Korean teachers and students. Anne requests prayer for safety in travel and good health. While there, pray for each student that they will be receptive to the Word of God and see Christ in us. Pray that we present the classes clearly and make some lasting friendships.
January 19th - Pray for the team to be able to make the best of our accommodations and the food we are served, as some of this was still not decided prior to leaving the US. May we have grateful hearts for God’s daily provisions for each of us. Pray for Steve that his office will not experience any major issues while he is away. Praise for getting to see another culture for a short time and realize that we worship the same God, and for being able to do something new by way of teaching.

January 20th - Praise for all that was accomplished throughout the week. For those of us who are task oriented by nature, praise that we put a greater value on relationships and not just tasks. Pray for the students as they return to school. They face difficulties with studying. They fear being discriminated against due to being from the north. They have mental and emotional wounds from their past. Many have physical ailments. And finally, it’s difficult to adjust to a new life in South Korea.
January 21st – Pray for a time of reflection and rest as we prepare to depart Seoul on the 22nd. May we be able to articulate the good and not so good things, if there are any, we were able to be a part of over the last 10 days. Praise for our amazing God and the Korean brothers and sisters in Christ we were able to serve alongside.
January 22nd - Pray for safety in our travels home, for on time connections, for some sleep as we fly, and for an awareness of the sacrifices that so many make to go to the least of these, God’s creation around the world. Amen.

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